Eurasian Auto Service


Hello, We’re glad that you have found the home of Eurasian Auto Service on the Web! As you may already know, EAS has been providing quality service and repair of Porsche automobiles in the Birmingham, Alabama area for over 40 years.

Don’t Be a Victim…Get a Pre-Purchase Inspection!

Time after time, customers visit us to obtain an inspection of their pre-owned Porsche. Unfortunately, more often than not this ends up being an inspection of a recently purchased vehicle,  instead of one that is a candidate for purchase.

Many times,  surprise and anger are involved as customers who previously viewed their transaction as a bargain realize they have taken delivery of (and paid for) a car that has a myriad of costly problems.

The world is full of unscrupulous car dealers and individuals who are willing to pass a bad deal on to you. As soon as you sign an “AS-IS” contract and write a check, any existing problems become your problem.  Protect yourself by obtaining a pre-purchase inspection from Eurasian Auto Service. At $450 for the average vehicle, it is an excellent investment that could save you thousands of dollars.

The inspection includes a comprehensive top-to-bottom visual inspection, test drive, and engine cylinder leakage test if indicated.

Just think, a layman could miss indicators of a worn clutch that could cost $2000 to repair. Starting at $620 for a detailed and through inspection. Know the mechanical state of the vehicle that you are spending tens of thousands of dollars on! We are also glad to accommodate out of state requests for vehicles purchased long-distance via eBay or other means.

For any questions or to schedule an appointment, please call us at (205) 251-9263 or e-mail us here for a response within 24 hours.

Independent Porsche and BMW Specialist